Journal articles
ASCE The American Society of Civil Engineering: Journal of Bridge Engineering
Development of the Swedish bridge management system by upgrading and expanding the use of LCC
Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
TRR Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board TRB
LCA The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Holistic Approach to Sustainable Bridge Infrastructure Procurement Considering LCC, LCA, Lifespan, User-Cost and Aesthetics
Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
Life-Cycle Costing Integration with Bridge Management Systems
CEA Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Conference contribution
LCC-Efficient Procurement of Bridge Infrastructures
IABSE The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
TRB 91st Annual Meeting – Transportation Research Board
Other dissertations
Licentiate thesis: | LCC Applications for Bridges and Integration with BMS |
Presenting: | LCC Applications for Bridges and Integration with BMS |
Conference presentation
fia dagen 2013
Trafikverket Byggnadsverksdagarna den 23-24 oktober 2012
Trafikverket Byggnadsverksdagarna Bridge LCCA Overview & Implementation 2012
FOLKBRO marketing presentation: fave project management on March 20, 2014
Operation and maintenance of bridges conference, March 2014, Stockholm.
Infrastructure Cost-Efficient & Sustainable Procurement & Management
ETSI Project, Bridge Life Cycle Optimization, Stage 2, Closing Ship Seminar, 17-18 March 2009, Helsinki, Finland.
Life Cycle Costs (Ideas and Remarks): Steps towards the achievement
ETSI PROJECT (Stage 1) Bridge Life Cycle Optimisation
Operation and maintenance of tunnels conference, January 2014, Stockholm .
Infrastructure Cost-Efficient & Sustainable Procurement & Management
Conference poster
KTH Transport Day 2011