From planning to construction
When the Swedish Transport Agency plans and builds roads and railways, we begin with a comprehensive planning process. There we do a measure-selection study and develop a road or rail plan. After that we will prepare a construction document before the project is ready for construction.
We are responsible for planning, building and managing state railways and public roads, especially in rural areas but also for certain urban operators. We are also responsible for the state ferry routes.
There are many who need help in the best way to take care of and develop our road and rail network. Therefore, we cooperate with other government agencies; County councils, municipalities, public transport, associations, regional and intergovernmental bodies, the public and property owners affected by our projects.
The planning of a road or rail begins when we have identified deficiencies in the transport system. We investigate how we can fix them through a so-called action-scale study. The study will address the types of measures that are possible to solve a transport problem.
We are working on the so-called principle principle in order to get the most out of invested resources. This means that we will gradually analyze what types of actions are needed. Sometimes it can be effective with a combination of actions.
Analysis according to the principle principle:
1. Think about. Can transport needs be reduced or can other modes of transport be used? Can travel needs be affected? Can some traffic, which is currently on its way, be moved to rail? Or can public transport develop?
2. Optimize. Can the road or rail network be used more efficiently, for example by speed adjustment, variable speeds or traffic control?
3. Rebuild. Is it possible to solve the problems through improvements and minor remodeling, for example by widening, extending platforms at stations, straightening curves or reinforcing?
4. Build new. Are new investments or major renovations required, such as a new traffic location, a new meeting point or a whole new road or railroad?
In the action selection study, we investigate how we can solve deficiencies in the transport system. First of all, we try to solve the problem by taking steps in steps 1 and 2. If that is not possible, we proceed to a concrete building step 3 and 4.
The Action Scale Study answers the question why a road or rail project is needed.
A road or rail project must be planned according to a specific process governed by laws and eventually leading to a road or rail plan. The process is called planning and the process of developing a road or rail plan is called planning. The planning process investigated where and how the road or railroad should be built. How long it takes to get the answers depends on the size of the project, how many studies are required, if there are alternative stretches, what budget is available and what they think.
The results of the planning process and the design of the road or railroad are described and reported in a road or rail plan.
At the beginning of the planning we will provide a basis explaining how the project can affect the environment. The County Administrative Board then decides if the project is likely to lead to a significant environmental impact. In this case, an environmental impact assessment will be presented to the road or rail plan, describing the environmental impact of the project and proposing precautions and safeguards. The plan is kept available for review so that those concerned can comment before we finish it. Once the plan is established, an appeal period will follow before the plan becomes valid. Only after this can we put the spade into the ground.
Consultation is important throughout the planning. This means that we are in contact and for dialogues with other authorities, organizations and the public in order to get their views and knowledge. We can consult directly with those concerned or through meetings that are open to the public. Sometimes we also meet with landowners who are particularly concerned with a project. The comments that come in after consultation are summarized in a consultation report, where we also report how the views will affect the project.
When the road or rail plan is complete, we will do a construction action. It contains mainly technical descriptions with requirements relating to the road or rail function. The building document serves as a basis for construction work and also contains requirements for precautions and safeguards.
The construction work must be in line with the road or rail plan. Only insignificant deviations are allowed. If there are major deviations or changes in the project, it may be necessary to change the plan or to establish a new plan.
The time from the planning begins until the building starts may vary greatly. It can be a number of months, but also in many years. While it may take time, do not wait to say what you think. Be part of and influence, for example at consultation meetings, before we take the formal plan decision.
In the New Road and Railway brochure – as planned, you can see what you have for the ability to influence, and when in the project we need your comments (see link below).
We want to know what you think, and the sooner we get your views, the more opportunity we have to take into account.
National transport plan
Before the planning process for a road or rail project is commenced, long-term economic planning of the combined transport system for road, rail, shipping and aviation is undertaken. The planning is compiled in what is known as the national plan for the transport system.
The national transport plan contains how much money we have to spend, what to do and what geographical areas are concerned. This may include new railways, roads or lanes such as rebuilding, operation and maintenance, as well as road safety or environmental measures.
It is the government that finally decides on the content of the national plan based on the Swedish Transport Agency’s proposal. The task of the Swedish Transport Administration is to ensure that the plan becomes a reality.
Read more about national planning
County Plan for regional transport infrastructure
In addition to a national transport plan, each county presents a so-called regional transport infrastructure plan. The lanterns contain the investments that the counties themselves intend to make in view of the overall transport needs in the region.
This could include, for example, regional road operations, contributions to regional public transport, operating grants to non-state airports and co-financing of national measures. The government decides on the financial framework for the counties. Each county is responsible for how these funds are prioritized in their county plan.