Road engineering is now a complex discipline, where road safety, environmental and socio economic issues are as important as design and supervision of construction.
FOLKBRO co-operates with customers to develop optimal solutions based on our extensive worldwide experience of road projects, gained over a period of more than 20 years.
FOLKBRO’s experience of road design, construction and maintenance ranges from labour-based rural feeder roads in developing countries to complex multi-lane motorways with grade-separated interchanges, tunnels, bridges and advanced traffic information technology.
Our specialist design teams provide technically sound, economically feasible solutions using state-of-the-art computer-aided design tools. Staff skills are kept up to date with appropriate in-house and external training.
In relation to road engineering, FOLKBRO offers assistance throughout the project cycle in:
Project and quality management
project preparation and planning, including feasibility and road safety studies
strategic and environmental impact assessments
site investigations, including topographical, hydrological and geotechnical
preliminary and detailed design and cost estimation
tender document preparation and tender evaluation
project implementation including construction supervision and management
operation and maintenance,
technical, financial and road safety audits
associated buildings (for maintenance and toll operations, etc), and
institution building and on-the-job training.
Staffing From a total staff of 1000, professionally qualified staff with working experience in road projects available within FOLKBRO A/S number more than 100. These are supplemented by further staff from FOLKBRO Group subsidiaries worldwide. Disciplines include:
Civil/highway engineers
Materials engineers/laboratory specialists
Bridge engineers
Transport economists/Traffic engineers
Environmentalists and sociologist
Contract specialists and surveyors
Road safety specialists
Traffic information technology specialists